Деловой документ на английском языке с переводом: Акт приемки услуг.Источник: Русский форум Англии “Понаехали Тут!” http://www.ponaehalitut.co.uk/ Act of Acceptance. Appendix No 1 to the Consultancy Services Contract No _____ dated “___” _______ 200__. ACT of ACCEPTANCE of SERVICES under the Consultancy Services Agreement No ____ dated “___” _______ 200__. We, the undersigned, [Name and title of the representative for the Consultant], on part of the Consultant, and [Name and title of the representative for the Company], on part of the Company, executed this Act: The Consultant provided consulting Services under the Contract No ____ dated ________, 200__, during the period from _________, 200__ to _________, 200__. The services were provided on due and timely basis. The Company accepted the results of the Services in form of Report under the Contract No ____ . Остальная часть документа закрыта! Чтобы получить полный доступ к закрытому разделу сайта, пожалуйста, |